Member Experience 724 serves companies located across the United States or multinational firms which have a substantial USA presence. We work with organizations of any size that recognize our value, but our focus is on middle market organizations in any part of the manufacturing-distribution food, home, or health industries. Our client points of contact and usual project sponsors are the executives such as VPs and Directors on the business side as well as CIOs and COOs. For smaller companies, we are in contact with the President or CEO. We seek out strategic opportunities that include either Process Improvement or Strategy Development, and also very much enjoy following through with the full Implementation and complete win-win arrangements with you such as in a software development endeavor or with organizational change management. We are also looking to turn existing or new relationships into long-term ones based on the values of good project partnering.

Here are some of the clients with whom we have worked:

KIND Healthy Snacks

McNeil Consumer Healthcare maker of Tylenol

Bionee the international organic skin care company

TruFood a certified contract manufacturer of specialized food products